2014 is almost over
This year’s work is almost done....
The final shows of this year I am currently in are about to wind up:
Sculpture at Hillview [Moss Vale],
Sculpture in Vines [Wollombi],
Fishers Ghost Art Prize [Campbelltown Art Centre]
and 7 [Gallery Red’s annual show].
There are three commission pieces to be completed, delivered and installed before the end of the year. These are:
A timber sculpture/sailing trophy will be delivered on Friday.
The girl on the bike [the REALLY exciting one] to Amsterdam next week.
Another bronze private commission which should be cast & finished in the week before Christmas.
And so attention turns to preparing for next year. Already I have had a few knock-backs, but that is par for the course for any visual artist. You just have to dust yourself off and apply for the next one. Needless to say, I am planning on entering in more and varied competitions, aim to attract more commissions, and will be aiming to head to two residencies – hopefully Tasmania and Fowlers Gap. Now there is a slight contrast.
Already the first half of the year appears to be a bit engaged. There is an artist-in-residency at a local primary school almost in place, and I have been asked to curate an exciting collaboration show in May/June – but more of those later!