'time gentlemen'


Tomorrow (Saturday), as well as voting in the federal election and doing the myriad of other things that one tries to fit into a weekend, is the final day (closing 4pm) for this incarnation of the art exhibition I Want My Mum To Come at the Australian Catholic University (Strathfield).

Collaborating with Jackie Benny, we have had an intense time: investigating and visualizing the human faces behind the asylum seeker issues in our land. We have experienced much frustration at the level of misinformation and complete misunderstanding of the many layers surrounding our treatment of these people.

An initial visual diary of the show (low resolution at the moment) has been put up on Youtube: I Want My Mum To Come for those who have not been able to come.

Hopefully, this is not the end for this show, and we will be able to secure further venues in the future.

Certainly, this will not be the last of our involvement in this very important issue, and it has also opened my eyes as to how little we, as a privileged society, are constructively doing for social justice issues ... more to come on that!