He Who Works
‘’He who works with his hands is a labourer.
He who works with his hands and his head is a craftsman.
He who works with his hands and his head and his heart is an artist'’
St Francis of Assisi
So much has been happening in such a short period of time, and most of it good and exciting!
In the last few weeks 11 works have been completed, or close to completion – hours and hours of fine sanding and finishing and oiling ...
The last couple of days it was a joy to get the gross reduction grinder back in my paws and hook into some new pieces. These are in the attached pic rough carved, and hopefully will be close to finished in the next couple of weeks before I head OS.
Speaking of which, the butterflies are starting to really tingle with such a huge adventure just on my doorstep. The details have been generally sorted – it now just a matter of packing the bags, getting on the plane and away I go! This time next month the first images should be coming out on In/gram and f/book of work being created on the hills of Assisi – sounds mad saying it.
I am soo looking forward to applying those principles: to work with my hands; to think about and analyse what is before me; and to be able to completely immerse myself in the meaning and message of this truly unique individual.
Bring it on – exciting times ahead.